Love, Eros, Pragma and Astrology

The number one question for most astrologers is: relationships. Astrologers are asked to understand what in the chart makes a relationship work, what causes a relationship to fail? When we are young, Eros dominates and we fall into it with flaming desire. As we mature, we become weary of what happens when dating goes wrong […]
Astrology and The Historic end of House Speaker McCarthy

The Astrology of the Speaker being vacated in the US Congress is clearly descriptive of what happened on Oct 3rd 2023
Mars in Gemini

Tonight, the red warrior planet Mars moved into tropical Gemini. Mars will stay there until April 23rd. I would like you to be prepared for what he brings there. I am going to go through what the implications will be for people who know their Ascendant. This will be done by posting how Mars will […]
Mars charges into Aries
Mars will beast into Aries on New Years day 2019. If you have a night time chart this is sure to super charge your self and help you create radical forward movement in your life. If you have a nighttime chart it will give you the energy to challenge difficult tasks that may come up […]
Donald Trump’s first house and the Emperors Clothes.
My last article on Trump looked briefly at his astrology for an over view of his motives. Before going into more predictive modes, I thought it would be enjoyable to delve deeper into his chart and its psychological indications. We will go house by house. The ascendant which marks the person and their individual motives […]
Big, Hot, and Angry.

Mars, the God of War, is joining with Jupiter, the God of Expansion. Where are they doing this, in the land of retrograde Mercury’s Virgo. Hot, big, violent Jupiter Mars, Trine seething and dark Pluto at 12 degrees Capricorn. Launch the war planes and start the bombing Mars, says, impatient and testy, wanting his way […]
Bill Cosby and the Run Away Mars chart.
Bill Cosby, you comedic childhood icon, what is this we hear about you! In private, away from the publicity, you are suddenly having your sexual morality questioned! Are you a serial rapist? Did you decide no meant yes? Did those ladies…those ladies really say no? Did they say no in a way you could not […]
The Art of Timing…Marriage
Since Mars and the Venus are still conjunct in Scorpio, I would like to speak about the topic of marriage in relation to the art of time. The art of timing, as I stated in my previous post, is about using the 4th dimension of time in your creative engagement with life. We can create […]
Mars and Venus together again in Scorpio
As we discussed before Mars and Venus together are a great creative energy. They are together again, so how to work with that. Well, we have to look at how they are together this month. Mars and Venus are conjoining today in Scorpio. This is the 2nd of a 3 part dance the two are […]
Using Astrology for Medical Elections.
I would like to continue the theme of Astrology as incorporating the fourth dimension of timing to insure success in endeavors. One of the classical arts that was lost to the west was the use of astrology in determining when to see a doctor. Why is it that some healthy people have surgeries and everything […]
The love of Mars and Venus.
Mars and Venus will be entering exact conjunction again on July 13th 2021. What does this conjunction foretell? If it falls on a point of personal power for you, that is in tight aspect to an inner natal planet in your chart, if foretells of great transformation. It was suggested by Robert Blasche and Stephan […]
DeepWater Horizon is deep Pluto Capricorn symbolism.
On earth day a small tragedy occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. Deepwater Horizon exploded from a gas and oil blow back, killing 11 men. The accident was a furious response from the planetary gods to an amazing act of Man’s hubris. The full effects of this tragedy are becoming apparent in just the last […]