Hi, I am Dorje, a professional astrologer since 2006. I am a certified medieval astrologer and a member of the Organization for Professional Astrologers. I have astrology articles published in the OPA magazine, Mountain Astrologer website, and Astrotheme. As a professional astrologer, I offer a variety of services including Natal readings, Predictive readings, Horary Readings, Relationship readings, and Location readings.
My method of reading the chart is a blend of classical techniques, modern interpretation, and direct insight. For 20 years I have been reading charts professionally using traditional astrology techniques learned from experience and studying under such luminaries as Robert Hand, Bernadette Brady, and Joseph Crane. Currently, I am studying evolutionary astrology with Kay Taylor.
I also incorporates personal insight gained in over 30 years as a practicing Vajrayana Buddhist into his consultations. His teacher Lama Padma Dorje authorized him to teach meditation and the yogas of the winds and channels (tza lung) in 2001. I have studied intimately with the Tibetan Buddhist Masters Chagdud Tulku, Lama Drimed Norbu, Jigme Tromge Rinpoche, and Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche.
My method of astrology is based upon traditional approaches, the roots of which stretch back to the Greek, Babylonian, and Egyptian astrological worlds. This honors the continual living tradition that stretches over three millennia of humane dialogue with the noetic universe. His classical approach to reading astrological charts and clear explanatory style will help you understand how planetary energies dynamically play in the myth of your life.
The purpose of reading a chart is to help you find joy, direction, and purpose in your life experience and understand how to transform the challenges you experience into the fruition of your soul’s fulfillment.