Astrology resources are going to grow and grow for you as you dive into this exceptional art. Astrology is a vast and complex subject, there is an endless amount to study. Here are a few resources for you to enjoy if you wish to dig deeper. The only way to learn astrology is to start doing it, with these resources you will soon be on your way. I suggest you take an online school, of which there are many, but I recommend a few for you here. I have also enclosed a few websites that I am working on myself that I find revolutionary in scope. The subject of astrology is a lifetime of study, so take it up now.
First, consider getting a reading from me, I will not steer you wrong in the art.
To create music with your chart or any chart go to:
For online charts the best site is :
These are the best online schools I have personally tried:
Bernadette Brady’s AstroLogos
Chris Brennans TheAstrologySchool.
If you want a little retreat hut to study astrology in this is the best:Tiny House in Oregon or Portland: