Heart Astrology

The Spirit in Everything. I.

When you walk down the street today, or get into your car, do you have a sense of the spirit of your car, or the spirits alive within the world around you, that occupy your life with you. Chances are that you do not, especially if you are a westerner. There were and are cultures […]

The Good, the bad, and the Wood Horse.

I have a friend. He is a very good Chinese Astrologer. He is also Chinese, which, they say makes a huge difference. It is the belief of the Chinese people for the most part that every aspect of their culture is informed by thousands of years of philosophical history. Thus, it is their belief that […]

A brief refutation for the upcoming Cardinal Square

On April 20th there will be a big cardinal square involving Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. As is usually the case, some folks are writing intense and perhaps scary articles on the suggested effects of such an astrological occurrence. For whatever reason I have begun to love seasonaly refuting what might be termed “doomsday astrology.” […]

Astrological Observations 2: Predictions for the upcoming year

About this time of year, as well as in the spring during the Aries Ingress, and of course during the change of the Chinese astrological year, we, the professional class of astrologers, cart out our yearly predictions. I have noticed, after watching the cycle for a few years now, (about 10 with avid professional interest […]

Astrological Observations 1: a day about Neptune.

Hmm….I am going to try a new approach to astrology blogging. Rather than writing long thought out pieces that have their own integrity, and then procrastinating endlessly, when the muse is not present for such endeavors, I will just blog out daily thoughts on Astrology and perhaps other topics. Bare with me dear audience, it […]

Mercury Retrograde. When to use it, and when to not.

Here we are in the heart of Mercury Retrograde and I wanted to take a perusal through the headlines to see if we could find its typical effects. The most obvious and immediately striking headline is the technical computer difficulties of the American Affordable Care Act. Now why would the AFA be struck by this […]

The benefits of an “inquisitive” professional astrology reading.

What are the advantages of a professional astrological consultation one may ask. The answer would depend on what you are seeking. If one wishes to look into how they think, how they emotional react, what the roots of those reactions are, then that is called psychological or inquisitive astrology. This is a reading that is […]

The meaning of a Professional Astrologer

As Mars perfected its square to Uranus yesterday, I had a client claim she did not owe me money because I did not explain that a second session would cost money. This is a rather sad but common occurrence in the profession of astrology. First off, I am a professional astrologer. I have invested thousands […]