In astrology, knowing our birth time unlocks the unfolding myth of timing and events that occur in our life. It also shows us how the archetype of the Zodiac is working in our world. This gives us a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Some of us do not know our exact birth time, either the hospital did not record it, or we may have come from circumstances where our parents were not clear on when we were born.
Chart rectification uses astrological methods of Time Lords, Transits, Profections, and Solar Arc directions to come up with a time that works for you. It is a lengthy process and is not guaranteed to be the exact time you were born, but will be a time you can use to describe how your life is affected by your astrology chart and transits to it. The reading includes two hour long conversations as well as email and text exchanges to make sure the chart is working for you. It is a wonderful process of self-discovery.
Once we have a time that we agree fits your life story, we will spend a month going back and forth as the Moon transits your chart, I will check in to see that the lunar transits are fitting with the house topics as they should. This is a comprehensive experience.
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