The Moon is your monthly rhythm clock.
I hope you would forgive me for stating the obvious. The Moon is how we experience the passage of time. Primordially, before clocks, the clock that humans measured the passing of time was the moon. There is good evidence lunar calendars go back 35,000 years ago. We go from new moon to full moon and back to new moon. But let us inception this. Next level down. The Moon, based upon my observations, and what will be your observations, is also a rhythm through the houses of your birth chart play out every month both psychologically and experientially.
To start observing this, get your astrology chart. I offer them here with a natal report “your chart”. Then look over your chart at the different signs and how they fill out each house. Great! You are halfway to being a full-time astrologer. Or at least halfway to tracking the transit of the moon through your chart during the month. Most people will now say pay attention to the Moons aspects as it goes through the signs, but not us. We are going deeper to pay attention to the house the Moon is in. (do pay attention to the aspects too though.)
Let us say you have a Capricorn rising. When the Moon is in Capricorn that is your first house. It is about self and image. During this time you will become more concerned with your own purpose, image, and identity. It is based on the Moon being in the first house. The sign will color the experience.
First though, before looking at how the signs color your experience let us briefly go through the 12 houses the moon will transit through the month, and how you can use that in your life to fine tune your rhythm clock.
The houses:
The first house as we have said is a time when your experience will be one of self knowing.
The second house is knowing the world of possesions and objects.
The third house is knowing your own practices and routines as well as those close to you, such as sibling or office workers..
The fourth house is about work on the home, family, and land.
The fifth house is about creative passionate play, such as sports, flirtation and sex, as well as games and children.
The sixth house focuses on health and those who work for you as well as your own toil. Small pets are included here traditionally too.
The seventh house is about the other, being relationships that are committed, open enemies, or contracts.
The eighth house is the other’s resources and deep psychological change, some call this the house of death.
The ninth house is the land of organized philosophy or religion, thus it is higher education, it is also foreign lands and cultures.
The tenth house is profession and what you do in the world.
The eleventh is the circle of friends, associates, and hopes.
The twelfth is depression, illicit substances, ways we undo ourselves deep psychology and even confinement.
After the twelfth house you are reborn anew and are able to reexperience the cycle.
Where the new moon is new beginnings in those areas of your life will occur. Where the full moon is peak experiences will arise in those areas of life.
For example.
as I write this the Moon is in Gemini which is my sixth house in the natal chart. It is a good day to focus on health. I happened to have a lovely dialogue with Dr. Pepper Hernandez today. She is a Naturopathic doctor and cannibas consultant. The conversation reminding me of the importance of caring for my body and soul in a healthy way. Gemini speaks of conversations and the exchange of ideas.
As you begin to watch the rhythm of the moon unfolding in the houses of your chart, you will begin to grow more conscious of the ways to use the energy arising in your life to engage in a natural flow. We are very used to using signs and landmarks to judge distance we have traveled on the roads of our life. Astrology is a methodology for understanding the landmarks of the time of your life. The goal is to begin to understand the days of your life as they pass as a journey.
Astrology is the art of time.