Mercury Retrograde is upon us again. It started late in the eve on the 16th and will last until Dec. 6th. Mercury retrograde is seasonal. It comes three times a year, providing us with a ready excuse to blame the universe for all our ills. Like the rhythm of water falling on stone in a pacific northwest canyon, Mercury retrograde always strikes on Black Friday.
Mishaps in the department store are very Mercury retrograde. So are backups at the airport. Cell towers failing, can you hear me now. Along with failed computers. Traffic accidents and back ups. Choppy sentences without transitional words proliferate. During Mercury Retrograde.
Mercury stationed retrograde at 13* Sag. on November 16th. It will square Mars creating accidents and aggressive miscommunication on November 25th. On Nov. 27th it will conjunct the Sun and Jupiter in Sag. causing a friend to tell you about their past life as Cleopatra’s snake (all prophetic forecasting may be off in explanatory details due to the ill effects of Mercury Retrograde.)
On the 1st of Dec. It will enter Scorpio where an old and ancient curse will come back to haunt you. Burn some sage, time to cleanse this stuff. Dec. 4th it will conjunct the Balsamic moon in Scorpio, which is a perfect time to cast a new and fresh curse (only for the benefit of others of course.) It will then go direct on the 6th of December.
A curse is define by Webster as:
A solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something.
While this is very scorpionic it is hard to see how this is for the benefit of others. While Mercury is retrograde it is a great time to look at how our minds have negative habits of in subtle ways wishing harm on others. What is the point of wishing harm on others? While stuck in traffic, while waiting for the the waiter, while being annoyed by the overly Xanaxed woman at the cash register in front of you ( it could be my mom after all), we subtly curse others because they are a hindrance to our day.
Mercury retrograde is an opportunity to work on that mental habit. If you find your self frustrated, ask your self why you are frustrated. What is there not to be content with in our experience of the moment. For rejoicing and giving thanks for the blessings we have, is the true meaning of the Mercury Retrograde Thanksgiving season.
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