That goddess of goodness, the sweet and sublime kiss of pleasure Venus is entering Libra today. She is a queen in Libra, where the whole world aids her in her bidding. What is it she likes, of course, she likes beautiful sounds, soft, enticing, and pleasing to the eye clothing, wine, feasts, romance, and sensual pleasures of the most subtle and erotic sorts
She will sweetly and seductively transit this sign in the Tropical Zodiac until October 23rd when she will become highly erotically charged in Scorpio just in time for Halloween.
I would not be lying to you if I were to say, maximize aesthetic pleasure over the next 3 weeks to harmonize with the gifts that the Goddess of dance and art seeks to bestow upon you. Where she is now, she will provide for you unfolding blessings like satin sheets and soft moans. She is a doey-eyed deer with a moist nose nuzzling you as you drink wine in the Autumn afternoon, her blessings are here for your cornucopia, tilted, just so, that it may flow into your outstretched and eager hands one drip of honey at a time.
One can speculate on how you will reap these rewards by the house Tropical Libra rules, and be certain these rewards are yours, as long as a greater transit in your chart or the world around you (good god look at that monster Hurricane, charged with the power of Jupiter stomping the teeth in of the normally Venusian Florida) But I digress as I am wont to do while the muse has my tongue and my mind dreams of the soft touch of Venus.
- In the first house, she will adorn you with beauty and light, People will stop in the streets and say, oh what goddess has blessed you with the most handsome fortune. Your words will be like poems, your movements like the grace of the swan. Your seduction shall know no bounds, it is your time, enjoy it with the greatest of pleasure.
- In the second house, Venus is going to bless you with sudden abundance and wealth. This is time to roll with it, buy swank clothes, hang some beautiful art on the walls, pimp out your car, whatever it takes to make your things beautiful. You are gifted with grace and beauty right now and the gods want you to monetize that.
- Libra in the third house benefits your siblings, the close ones that is. Moreover, because the third house is one of the fabled and well robed goddesses of the night, that your dreams should be pleasant and your secret ceremonies, done in the privacy of your bedroom shall be blissful.
- Libra in the fourth house wants your home to become exquisite. Buy an orchid and put it next to your bed or in your windowsill to bring good luck and fortune. They are only 6.99 at Kroeger’s so no need to be shy. I would then recommend you spend the next three weeks absolutely loving being a homebody. Hopefully, that will be enough for you to miss the next Covid wave.
- Libra in the fifth house, I can not say enough about you, obviously you are beautiful and this is going to be a beautiful month. The pleasure is all yours and there is only enjoyment. Music, banquets, dancing, yoga. Whatever it is that you wish do it with style and grace and experience the overflowing creativity coming from your soul this month.
- Libra in the sixth house is about finding balance. Yes, I said it, the word “Balance” that means getting your health back in shape by taking time to do some Sun Salutations, eating healthy and good food, getting enough sleep, and caring for your body as if it mattered. Believe me, it does matter.
- Libra in the seventh will be very sweet as Venus transits the house of relationships. Would you not like to spend three weeks with a loved one, smiling as you dine on fresh mangos on the beach while the sun rises. I can promise you that romance is in the air, even if it has been a while, for Venus is bringing the gift of a pleasurable relationship to your plate.
- Venus moving through Libra in your 8th house is like dressing erotically for Halloween. Sure, you might be dealing with some challenging subjects but in terms of those challenges maybe it feels good to be restrained in leather. Maybe the intense bonds you are feeling are aesthetic bonds, or better yet, maybe they are making deposits into your bank account.
- Now when we speak of you having Libra ruling your 9th house then we have come to the point in your life where you need to take a little vacation to an exotic location. Everything in this new land will have a glow of discovery and delight. The divine shall speak through you and around you during this magical month. Let her words roll effortlessly off your tongue.
- Libra as your 10th is an indication that surely you will possess a certain magnetism to the public this month. Is it your smile, is it the glint in your eyes, is it the eloquence of your speech? Does it matter? You are to be the toast of the town when you go out. Drinks will be placed in your hands and seductive glances cast in your direction. Venus is here to adore you, but remember she will move on, so be careful not to overplay your delicate hand.
- Libra as ruler of your 11th is an indication that your friendships will be pleasing with harmony. As a social butterfly, while Venus transits Libra you will truly fly. Where will the winds of social conviviality blow? Where will the delight of friendship take you? Think warmly of the people who are your friends and send them all a great big healthy heart of love. Talk out your challenges and smile deeply into the hearts of your most excellent peers.
- Venus transiting your 12th house ruled by Libra beckons and calls for forms of pleasurable escape but ones that lead down towards the watery lands of the Faerie spirits. Enter that beautiful ring of mushrooms sprouting from the fresh October rains at your own peril. The sounds are sweetly sung from a crystal flute leading to the higher realms, your feet lifting off the ground, but rent is coming due. Never mind you are gone already, see you when Venus moves into Scorpio.
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