Heart Astrology

As April has come I am happy to move into a new office for the spring. It will be in Downtown Arcata up on the top floor of the Garden Gate. This has been a long time coming and is something that is very delightful for me. It is partly the result of the great kindness and generosity of Kate Christiensen who is the owner of the Garden Gate. How perfect, during the month of April, when the bright spring of the Ram leads to the fertile abundance of Taurus the Bull to move into a place called the Garden Gate. To celebrate I will be offering 90 minute readings for 75$ for all who order through the special button on paypal. The reading of course comes with a recording and with a joyous conversation about your astrological weather and map. So don’t be shy and take advantage of this great discount.

Three Cheers to the New Zodiacal Year!


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