Heart Astrology

Thoughts on the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter.

And thoughts on the sidereal vs tropical zodiac. The impact of conjunctions in Mundane and Personal astrology. I was asked the other day, and it seems to be on people’s minds these days, “what are conjunctions and what do they do?” I think it is on people’s minds because the great conjunction between Saturn and […]

Venus Conjunct Pluto

Venus conjunct Pluto today and we have a prostitution scandal breaking in the national news. This U.S. scandal involves multiple people, the biggest name currently is Robert Kraft, owner of Kraft Foods and the New England Patriots. There are reports that even more well known public figures are involved. Apparently there are videos, and the […]

Uranus in Aries a retrospective.

The premise Mars has just had its final conjunction with Uranus in Aries. This is the last planet that will conjunct Uranus in Aries until 2095, by which time anyone reading this will not be interested in the matter anymore.  What did Uranus in Aries do to human society this time around? It is time […]