The Story of Russell Wilson and the North Node

Last week the Denver Broncos released Russell Wilson from his contract with them. In doing so, they took a tremendous financial loss as the way his contract is structured he will be paid over 39 million dollars by the Denver Broncos this year not to play for them. Personally I would love to be paid […]
Astrology and its usefulness

Why is astrology helpful and how does it work? these are both gate way questions to the study and appreciation of astrology. The art of astrology historically had one major theme of purpose to it. This could be summed up in knowing the timing of things. As humans we are of a gifted intelligence which […]
Christmas Special

‘Tis the season of giving light and knowledge. Astrology is the light of self knowledge. It has been practiced by all spiritual traditions and cultures since the beginning of time. Treat yourself or a loved to one to the gift of astrology this season. A reading for 90 minutes is usually $200 but for the […]