Heart Astrology

Hurricane Milton is about to barrel through central Florida. This storm is incredibly powerful and appears likely to make landfall as a category 5 Hurricane. It may have winds up to 150 mph accompanying a devastating ten to fifteen-foot storm surge and is predicted to come ashore near Tampa, Florida. Reading that I wanted to check in on the founding inception chart of Tampa. I was blown away (sorry) and impressed by the astrology of the current moment and the founding chart of the city of Tampa. Unfortunately the story is one of disaster.

It was easy to see with Astrology this would be a devastating Hurricane Season. So easy I brought it up on June 8th, long before Milton and Helene. This is one of the practical uses of Astrology and it is well worth funding by those who can support the craft. Astrology and weather prediction is an ancient art. Please note in the post I meant Mars in Cancer and Jupiter in Gemini at the end. To any astrologer this would be obvious, but not all who have the fortune to find my website are versed in the craft of astrology. I do not want to pay fascist techno boy Elon for the ability to edit my tweets, so have to stick with it as it is, a matter of historical record.

As an aside: Please do what you can to pray, make offerings, and support the Atlantic Hurricane season victims on the US East Coast. I prefer the Convoy of Hope. The residents of central Florida are going to need the support.

On to the business at hand, here is the chart of Tampa Florida. The source for this chart is Carolyn R. Dodson’s compendium “Horoscopes of the U.S. States and Cities.” It is a noon chart and thus probably untimed. However I want to say, “It works.”. That is good enough for me. Notice the Ascendant is Pisces, fitting for Tampa which is a water town. It is also a town known for rolling cigars, parties, and pleasure. Note the Ascendant is 21º Pisces, exactly square station Jupiter at 21º Gemini. One would expect a town with a Pisces Ascendant to be intimately linked with booze, spirituality, and water. The ascendant is the identity of a town. It is mind blowing that Jupiter is square the Ascendant while the storm is gathering its mashing winds and hellish sheets of rain. Not only that but Jupiter Station is also conjunct the IC of Tampa at 24º. The IC represents the land and home of a chart. It is the very land, and to have Jupiter the God of Storms station on the IC of any town is a dreadful thing. It is also in orb of Saturn at 26º Gemini. Saturn in this chart rules the 12th of hidden enemies and undoing, as well as the 11th of hope. Saturn is not prone to hope and suppresses it where it can with a big Iron boot on the throat. I think there will be quite a bit of desolation here. The hidden enemy in this situation might be politics of Florida itself, which seems hell bent on sucking itself out of the 20th century to make America great again at the cost of rationality, freedom, science and all that is good in the Aquarian ideal.

Let us talk about Jupiter then. In weather astrology, Jupiter is the planet of storms, winds, and torrential rains. It has been from the very beginning. You will perhaps recall from your own childhood Jupiter sitting in clouds casting lightning bolts down to the ground in cartoons. That is because Jupiter as the lord of storms has been so imprinted into the psyche of humans that it is even incorporated into children’s shows.

When a planet stations, its energy, its force, what it does becomes highly focused. In the case of weather, a stationed Jupiter creates intense storms. In the case of Hurricane season, we can expect Jupiter station in an Air Sign (Gemini) to create a magnificent and destructive Hurricane with high winds. So it did.

But Why Tampa?

This is Tampa with the sky now. You can see that the Station Jupiter is imprinting itself on the IC and square the Ascendant of Tampa. This storm has Tampas name written on it. Jupiter is also opposed the Sun of Tampa. So to speak obscuring what Tampa is and crushiing its soul. Now you can see Saturn in Pisces is also conjunct Tampas Natal Moon and Neptune, both being in Pisces and signs of Water. We can tell from this that the Hurricane will be very destructive through the storm surge as well as the high winds. How destructive is this storm going to be? Very destructive. Unfortunately the Moon rules the people of any given location, and Saturn conjunct the Moon is bad news. Not only that but the Solar Arc Direction chart delivers further bad news.

Here we see that the Solar Arc directed Saturn is getting ready to hammer the natal Mercury of Tampa Florida. This is a once every 365 year transit, as Solar Arc directions move planets forward one degree per year. Mercury rules homes and land being the ruler of the 4th in this chart. Many homes and lands will be lost. What is worse that retrograde Saturn in the transit chart indicates a ruler who is confused (retrograde and conjunct Neptune). Desantis who tends to be really good when it comes to Hurricanes, but he is unfortunately not capable of governing in a clear way right now. I assume this is because of the political environment he has cultivated.

Please take this storm seriously if you are in Tampa, St. Petersburg, Or else where in its path. This will be a historic event. If you would like to follow me for more astrological insights, you can do so here at my Substack. Most articles are free.

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