Heart Astrology

As the Moon is in Capricorn today I am writing about a practical mundane (world) event that we are all witnessing. A reader sent me a message asking about the astrology of the Los Angeles Fires. If you are an avid follower of multiple star gazers and chart calculators, you have certainly read more than one take on the casual chain of astrological significators that are leading to the tragic burning of one of the City of Angels. I have found one particular astrological testimony more compelling than any other. The North Node at Zero Degrees Aries.

The Aries point in astrology is a well-known minor point of major significance, as it has been since the origin of classical astrology, the beginning of the Tropical Zodiac, and the birth of the cycle of being that is symbolized in the astrology chart. It is the primary point of coming into being when a newborn leaves the womb and the place where worlds are born. Now, remember that the Aries Zero point is also a fire sign. The first and last degrees of any sign are extremely potent in their effect in mundane astrology, as they represent the bursting of a new energy or the culmination of an energy that has built into its crescendo.

The interesting thing is that because the Nodes travel backward in the zodiac, the zero-degree point for the Nodes is the end of a thing, an Aries thing, a Fire Sign thing, and here we have a large, uncontained, phoenix-like fire. But why now? Why so big? Simultaneously, as the North Node hit the Fiery Aries Zero point Mercury entered a square from the final degree of Sagittarius, again a fire sign to the Nodes. Mercury as you might imagine, is depicted with winged feet flying through the air, which can symbolize, along with Jupiter, winds. Jupiter is, as you probably know, retrograde in a sign ruled by Mercury currently.

So you have probably come to see that the addition here is Fire + Wind = Fire Storm at the (as my friend Mario likes to call it) Vanishing point of Zero degrees Aries. I like the Vanishing point when talking about the Nodes. Because the Nodes move backward through the Zodiac, here is the point where the order of things slips backward into the void of Pisces. Let’s add it up again, Fire + Wind + destruction of forms = apocalyptic Fire. The astrology fits the narrative. But you may ask, why Los Angeles? Well, Dr. Watson, let me show you the chart of Los Angeles (untimed, but I am using Noon. It was probably at some point in the afternoon when the city council brought itself into existence by decree.)

What strikes the intrepid viewer immediately is that the North Node is conjunct with Los Angeles’s Mercury, which is square Mercury in the sky. This Firestorm then took straight aim at Los Angeles’s natal Mercurial Fire and stirred it up, swept it into existence, and firestorm across the beautiful City of Angels, creating a modern ecological and environmental disaster flamed on by the ever-growing furnace of global warming.

As a beautiful side note to what is a tragic story, one of the indicators of the Aries Zero point is that it can provide fame if it is aspected by midpoint or planet. With Mercury conjunct Los Angeles Aries Zero point, L.A. has become known as a city where one goes to become famous, where media influencers live, and where narratives that shape the world are born. How amazing. May the city of Lights be reborn and continue its beautiful work of crafting narratives and bringing fame to people from the ashes of this moment.

If you would like an astrology reading to explore your narratives and the Aries Zero point in your chart, you can book a reading here:

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